"That's the pull quote. 'Amber Mac: things are crumbling.'"
Special guest Amber Mac joins to answer listener questions on the award-nominated BetaKit Podcast. Topics include: Shopify's layoffs, Rogers' revenue resiliency following its second outage in the last year, Canada's digital divide and its impact on remote work, and early-stage fundraising tips.
Sponsored by Diuca.
"When we look at companies today, I'm reminded of what it was like - just how bleak it was - in that summer of 2000. You can play through that as an investor and an entrepreneur."
Mark McQueen, President & Executive Managing Director - CIBC Innovation Banking, compares 2022 with past downturns to track what's changed and remained constant.
Sponsored by Diuca.
"Trust, and Indigenous impact measurement, and the wellbeing of Indigenous families sit alongside risk and return. In fact, in our fund, sit significantly above risk and return as investment considerations."
Raven Capital Managing Partner Paul Lacerte explains how the firm invests in Indigenous impact entrepreneurs in a culturally safe way.
Originally aired September 30, 2021. Sponsored by Diuca.
"Other conferences are phoning it in."
Startupfest's Alistair Croll and Olivia Rossi join to explain how Canada's Original Startup Conference has changed in its major return to IRL and the amount of tech they're building to make meeting people easy again.
Sponsored by Diuca.
"The worst outcome for Rogers is an actual real competitor, which is what we are. They know we're going to bring prices down and they don't want prices to come down."
Globalive co-founder and chairman Anthony Lacavera shares why he was forced to sell Wind Mobile, and explains why it's so hard to repurchase it now as Freedom Mobile as part of the (contested) Rogers / Shaw merger. Welcome to Competitiontown.
Sponsored by Linebox Studio.